I was very pleased to see the results of the independent evaluation of the Work for the Dole pilot, which ran from 1 July 2014, released to the public last week.
The Evaluation of Work for the Dole 2014-15 showed how the programme is enabling more Australians to get work-ready by helping programme participants to gain confidence and self-esteem and learn skills such as team work, communication and appropriate workplace behaviour.
The Work for the Dole programme is an extremely valuable one and its existence reinforces this Government’s determination to help every Australian who is able to find work do so.
We are often defined by the work that we undertake and having a job can really contribute to a person’s self-worth. Work is also the foundation of the economic security of the nation and is the glue that makes our communities strong.
The Work for the Dole pilot was conducted in 18 selected areas and was open to job seekers aged 18 to 29 years. It ran for one year in preparation for the national rollout of Work for the Dole under jobactive on 1 July 2015.
Work for the Dole activities can be hosted by not-for-profit and government organisations. The programme gives organisations an extra set of hands to help to undertake activities that would not normally be done.
I encourage more community groups across my electorate to consider hosting Work for the Dole participants.
To find out more about Work for the Dole please visit https://employment.gov.au/work-dole
To see the full Evaluation of Work for the Dole 2014-15 report visit https://www.employment.gov.au/evaluation-work-dole-2014-15
It has only been two weeks since the Government launched its online consumer survey about private health insurance and the Minister for Health, Sussan Ley has described the public’s response as “phenomenal.”
The Minister for Health has expressed concern that consumers are not currently getting value for money for their private health insurance and I couldn’t agree more.
Private health insurance is a fundamental part of Australia’s health system, with half of our population having some form of cover.
I strongly encourage residents across my electorate to complete the online survey at www.health.gov.au/PHIconsultations2015-16.
The survey gives all private health insurance customers a chance to have their say on how the private health insurance sector can deliver better value for money.
In addition to this, the Government is also holding consultations with insurers, hospitals and doctors to discuss structural reform to the private health system.
The online survey will be available until 4 December 2015.