The latest $200 million round of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) will be wholly and solely dedicated to helping communities hardest hit by the drought.
With applications for Round 4 open today, Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton is urging communities to take advantage of the fund and get local infrastructure and community-building projects of all sizes off the ground.
“I’m pushing hard for the communities in the Parkes electorate which are doing it tough throughout this drought, and I’ll be here to support them for as long as it takes through dedicated initiatives such as the BBRF,” Mr Coulton said.
“BBRF is all about strengthening the local economy, and delivering lasting benefits to our local communities which we know are suffering the flow-on impacts of drought.
“This round will unlock the economic potential of rural, remote and regional Australia and I encourage all eligible organisations with a project ready to commence, to apply.
“As Minister for Regional Services, Decentralisation and Local Government, I couldn’t be more excited about the future for this region and others.”
Mr Coulton said communities in his electorate have had great success in previous rounds of BBRF.
“Our region has already benefited from $9.5 million for the Australian Opal Centre at Lightning Ridge, $2.6 million for the Curlewis Pipeline, $371,000 for the YMCA at Broken Hill, and many others – all funded under the BBRF,” he said.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the announcement is part of the Federal Government’s latest package of assistance to combat the drought.
“Communities across the country are suffering from the effects of this prolonged dry-spell and this extra funding will help get local projects and infrastructure work under way to strengthen regional economies, keep tradies in work and money generating through local stores,” Mr McCormack said.
“The BBRF is a central plank of our commitment to supporting stronger regions, supporting local jobs by investing in ‘shovel-ready’ projects across regional Australia that are doing it tough during this drought to ensure communities thrive and survive.
“The first three rounds of BBRF were highly competitive with more than 2,600 applications received and 832 projects funded, totalling just over $643 million.”
Applications are open on 14 November 2019 and will close on 19 December 2019. Successful applicants are expected to be announced in mid-2020.
For further information on eligibility and applications, see or call 13 28 46.
Photo Caption (1): Member for Parkes Mark Coulton with David Lane OAM (President) at the Australian Opal Centre in Lightning Ridge, which received $9.5 million under the Building Better Regions Fund.
Background – BBRF Round 4 Streams
• The Infrastructure Projects stream supports projects for new infrastructure or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas.
• The Community Investments stream will fund new or expanded local events, strategic regional plans or leadership and capability-strengthening activities that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas.