Applications for grant funding are now open for Round 2 of the Coalition Government’s Rural Research and Development (R&D) for Profit Programme.
Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce has announced that up to $50 million in funding is available under Round 2 of the programme to deliver R&D projects to boost profitability and productivity in the agricultural sector.
“The R&D for Profit Programme is a $100 million Coalition election commitment, with a further $100 million committed as part of the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper to extend the programme out to 2020-2021,” Minister Joyce said.
“The programme encourages collaboration between industry, researchers and Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs) on projects that will deliver real benefits on the farm.”
Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton welcomed the opening of Round 2 of the R&D for Profit Programme and anticipates this round will be just as successful as Round 1 in developing and delivering cutting edge research and technologies in a way that is practical and accessible for primary producers.
“Round 1 of the programme saw more than $26 million in grants approved that will deliver tangible benefits at the farmgate, including better control methods for major weeds that threaten profitability, and resources to support farmers identify and capitalise on opportunities in export markets,” Mr Coulton said.
“I would strongly encourage all eligible organisations across the Parkes electorate to consider applying for research projects that could deliver benefits to local grain growers, cotton growers and beef cattle producers given these industries’ importance to our region.”
Round 2 projects will be required to address one or more priorities in the following research, development or extension areas:
- advanced technology to enhance innovation of products, processes and practices across the supply chain;
- biosecurity to improve understanding of pest and disease pathways;
- soil, water and managing natural resources to manage soil health, improve water use efficiency, sustainably develop new production areas and improve resilience; and
- adoption of R&D focusing on flexible delivery of extension services that meet primary producers’ needs.
All 15 Rural RDCs can apply for funding under the programme. To be eligible, RDCs must partner with one or more researchers, universities, research agencies, funding bodies, businesses, producer groups, or not-for-profit organisations, and provide a contribution (cash or cash and in-kind) at least equal to the requested Commonwealth grant funding.
Applications for Rural R&D for Profit Round 2 must be received by the Department of Agriculture by 5.00pm (AEST) on 1 December 2015.
For more information, visit